01506-221030, 94147-60599 satpal.swami71@gmail.comKupli Road New Gharsana Distt. Sri Ganganagar (335711)

B.A. B.Ed. / B.Sc. B.Ed. Degree

B.A. B.Ed. / B.Sc. B.Ed. Degree


  1. The four year integrated programme aims at integrating general studies comprising science (B.Sc. B.Ed.) and social sciences or humanities ( B.A. B.Ed.) , and professional studies comprising foundations of education, pedagogy of school subjects, and practicum related to the tasks and functions of a school teacher. It maintains a balance between theory and practice, and coherence and integration among the components of the programme, representing a wide knowledge base of a secondary school teacher. The programme  aims at preparing teachers for Upper Primary and Secondary stages of education.
  2. The programme shall be offered in composite institutions as defined in Regulation.


The B.Sc. B.Ed. & B.A. B.Ed. programmes shall be of four academic years or eight semesters including school based experiences and internship in teaching. Student teachers shall, however, be permitted to complete the programme within a maximum period of six years of six years from the date of admission to the programme.

Working Days:

a) There shall be at least two hundred and fifty (250) working days per year (120 – 130 days in each semester) excluding the period of admission and examination.

b) A working day will be of a minimum of 6 hours and 6 days in a week and adding up to a minimum of 36 hours per week. The institution shall ensure the availability of teachers and students for consultation and mentoring-providing group of individual guidance.

c) The minimum attendance of student teachers shall have to be 80% for all course work and practicum, and 90% for school internship

Intake, Eligibility and Admission Procedure and fees:    

Intake - There shall be a basic unit of (50) students. Initially two units may be permitted. The affiliating university may prescribe the distribution of students for different subjects.

Eligibility -

(1) The candidates with at least 50% marks in the +2 or its equivalent are eligible for admission.            

(2) The reservation and relaxation in marks for SC/ST/OBC/PWD and other category shall be as per the rules of the Central Government/State Government whichevers is applicable.

Admission Procedure-

(1)Admission will be made on merit on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying examination and in the entrance examination or any other selection process as per the policy of respective Government.

(2) At the time of admission to the programme, the students will need to indicate their selection of the subject to be pursued for the discipline options and accompanying pedagogic specialisation for which they are applying and these may be assigned on the basis of order of merit and availability

Fees- The institution shall charge only such fee as is prescribed by the affiliating body/State Government concerned in accordance with provisions of National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) ( Guidelinesfor regulation of tuition fees chargeable by unaided teacher education institutions) Regulation, 2002. amended from time to time